Fort Tryon Park, at the top of the Heights
Is verdant, and filled with impeccable sights
And evidence of geological might
Dominique Alexander was hanged here.
Lenape lands, then Dutch came through
Then British, then soon large estates there grew
Then Rockefeller had a plan to brew
Dominique Alexander was hanged here.
New Yorkers know this as the place
Where Cloisters create intentional space
For history and art to blend with deft grace
Dominique Alexander was hanged here.
I walked there once, into the park
As dear lady Moon bestowed her dark
“It could have been me,” I now remark-
Dominique Alexander was hanged here.
Enjoy the gardens, enjoy the Met
Enjoy the time you still have yet
Enjoy it all, but never forget:
Dominique Alexander was hanged here.