Making Tracks: Walk #9 (Weird Science)Kyra takes a walk over the High Bridge.Oct 11, 2020Oct 11, 2020
A Brief History of Fort Tryon ParkFort Tryon Park, at the top of the Heights Is verdant, and filled with impeccable sights And evidence of geological might Dominique…Jul 21, 20201Jul 21, 20201
Making Tracks: Walk #7 (Protest Songs)A special edition of Making Tracks that does not take place uptown!Jun 16, 20202Jun 16, 20202
Making Tracks: Walk #6 (Rumours)When I was 21 years old I had the good fortune to be able to study abroad. I like to think that I didn’t take the experience for granted…May 30, 20201May 30, 20201
Making Tracks: Walk #4 (Into the Spider-Verse)Everyone has been baking so much lately! Even I, a confirmed cook all my life, have taken to routinely putting hands to flour. Feels as…Mar 25, 2020Mar 25, 2020